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Get out of the Power Misconception and Understand the Original Intention of LED Lighting Fixtures Design

Nov 06, 2024

The first consideration for any consumer today in the lighting market is LED lighting fixtures, but many of them still have a wrong belief that the higher the power of LED lights the better value it is. This is in fact a wrong concept.

The aim of the design of an LED lighting fixture is not intended to chase higher wattage, rather it's meant to consume lower wattage at moderate luminescence. This is due to one of the most crucial benefits that LED technology possesses, which is high energy efficiency. Unlike conventional lighting fixtures, LED fixtures are designed to deliver equal or even greater illumination while drawing less power.

A large number of LEDs consumes very little electricity. This is so because even one single low powered led is an energy efficient option and in the long run it is so useful. Particularly when you look at the current world order of trying to reduce energy consumption and trying to conserve it. As a general tesout, lets take doweling that ten thousand units were to be used in say a shopping mall hours. Out of which some units are thirty watts while others fifteen watts in power shooting.

If we were to assume that the lights would operate twelve hours and the average cost to use the lights per kilowatt would be an approximation of one yuann then regardless of similarity There fixtures will last for a long while. As a result, thirty watt downlighter units will consume around thirty-three sixty-seven kilowatts if one were to multiply the number of fifteen watt units with their respective perimeters. Consecutively, the annual electric expenditure will be around one million three hundred thousand yuans.

Subsequently, if we take the overall average across the board and multiply it with three hundred and sixty-five units we get masked downlight units consuming two cents of energy. To the contrary, from our previous example we can use one year to conclude that utilizing due fifteen watt twelve hundred a day saves up to six hundred and fifty seven few kwh a year. Collectively we notice an existing gap of four million so g to speak.

As far as the electricity costs are considered, the savings will be substantial for a person such as an individual who owns or occupies a building or the head of an organization who holds other organizations.

The service life of low-power LED fixtures is also relatively long. As a general rule, the greater the wattage of the fitting, the more heat it produces, which will create more strain on the wiring and numerous components, therefore reducing the life span. On the other hand, low-power LED fixtures emit considerably lesser voltage which means that the 

internal components that age necessarily do so at a much slower rate enabling them to be utilized for longer. Some higher-grade low-power LED bulbs can last for tens of thousands of operational hours which is much more than the lifespan of a standard bulb. Thus in such applications where lighting has to be maintained for long periods such as factory workshops or most storerooms, the use of low-power LED fixtures will in future bring down the number of times bulbs have to be taken out for replacement and therefore maintenance costs. Furthermore, there are less fixtures needing replacement because of its longer life span, thus less waste.

Additionally, low-powered LED installations have benefits when it comes to preserving the environment. Their energy consumption is low, which means emissions of greenhouse products like carbon dioxide is also less. This has a good impact on the environment and in the process of global climate changes. 

As per the statistics, for every one low powered LED bulb which is used, only hundreds of grams more of Carbon dioxide is said to be emitted compared to conventional bulbs. If low power consuming LED fixtures are of the most sold and used, Their compliance in strategy of preserving environmental health in the world will never go unnoticed. At the same time low powered 

LED fixtures are environmentally friendly from the materials of the fixtures to the production processes reducing pollution to the environment. 

To conclude, it can be prompted that in addition to the power size of the LED lighting then aspiration should be achieving lower lighting with the lesser power is the core purpose of the original design of the LED lighting fixtures. This way cost and energy can be conserved while at the same time promoting environment conserving measures.